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yes, magnetite is magnetic in nature . it is one of the first things which were used to indicate direction north and south. Also known as loadstone it is a black colored mineral having metallic luster.

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3mo ago

Yes, magnetite is a naturally occurring magnetic mineral. It is one of the few common minerals that exhibits strong magnetic properties.

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Q: Is magnetite magnetic
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A magnetic rock is called magnetite. It is a naturally occurring mineral that exhibits strong magnetic properties. Magnetite can be found in various rock formations and is used in various industries for its magnetic properties.

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The name of the magnetic rock is magnetite. Magnetite is a naturally occurring iron oxide mineral with magnetic properties.

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Rocks that are magnetic include lodestone (a magnetic form of magnetite) and certain types of basalt. These rocks contain minerals like magnetite that have magnetic properties. Other rocks, such as granite and sandstone, are typically not magnetic.

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One mineral that is strongly magnetic is magnetite, which is a naturally occurring iron oxide mineral. It is one of the most common magnetic minerals and is often used in compasses and other magnetic devices. Magnetite can be found in igneous and metamorphic rocks worldwide.

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Which mineral would react to iron filling's- magnetite or graphite?

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