

Is metal renewable

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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No, it is a nonrenewable resources.

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Q: Is metal renewable
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A can is nonrenewable because it is made of metal and metal is a nonrenewable resource. But it can be recycled. It doesn't necessarily mean it is renewable. The simple answer is that a can is nonrenewable.

Is metal a renewable resource and why?

No, renewable means that it reforms (grows today).

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Yes a tuna can is a non renewable resource because it is metal. and metal can be reproduced in a long time

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A table is renewable. If it is made out of wood, metal and or even plastic it can often be recycled.

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A chair is not a source. Some kinds of wood are renewable, if the chair is wooden. If the chair is metal or plastic then it is not renewable.

Is metal renewable or non-renewable?

yes metal is renewable. they take it back to factories and melt it down to liquid and than place it back into solid form which may be any shape. from a bed frame to the car door on your paddock bashed

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It is a non-renewable resource. It is a metal that is mined from the earth and the worlds deposits of copper are limited.

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Fossil Fueles,Drinking Water , Metal ores

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If anyone collects them and uses them again, that defines them as renewable. But I doubt it. Metal caps are distorted on opening, surely no one is going to straighten these out again?

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No, aluminum is a metal. It needs large amounts of energy to extract it from its ores.