

Is oil shale renewable

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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No. As with all fossil fule resources, it is nonrenewable.

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Q: Is oil shale renewable
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Are tar sands and oil shale a good long-term energy solution?

No, they are non renewable sources, more difficult to extract than oil or coal and themselves will eventually run out.

Is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.

What is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.

Is shale oil another type of petroleum?

Shale oil is an oil distilled from shales and used as fuel

Why are we not producing oil from oil shale?

The reason that oil shale is not used to produce oil is because this is what keeps the oil well from collapsing after the oil is removed. If the oil shale were mined, the oil well would collapse into a large trench in the ground.

What is difference between oil shale rock and a rock?

one has oil shale and one dosent

What kind of energy resources might one day replace dwindling petroleum supplies?

Solar and wind renewable energy, of course. Oil shale and tar sands

Will Petroleum last forever?

No. Oil is a non-renewable resource, although there is plenty of it around. The problem is, that a large part of known oil reserves are in shale or sand, and it would take more money to get the oil out than you could sell it for.

Is shale oil good for your environment?

It does not matter where oil comes from it is bad for the environment shale oil is just a Les efficient source of oil.

Who mines oil?

Oil is not mined it is drilled except for oil shale which is mined. Shell in the past has mined for oil shale. Click the link.

Which is renewable oil or cotton?

Cotton is renewable; oil is not renewable.

How are the products of Lithuania and Estonia different?

Only Estonia has oil shale.