

Is outer space cold

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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No. Vacuum has no temperature, and it cannot either cool anything down, nor heat anything up, by conduction or convection. An item in space that is in bright light or that is generating heat internally will become hot because there is no air to cool it, whereas an item in shade that is not generating internal heat will slowly lose heat by radiation (and perhaps sublimation of surface moisture) and become very cold.

Astronauts' space-suits have to be air-conditioned, not heated.

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11y ago
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13y ago

The temperature in outer space varies depending on how close the location is to a star or other heat source. The sun is 11,000 degrees F on the surface. It heats the surrounding area. (That's where earth gets it's heat.) Way out in an area far away from any stars, the temperature could be -459 degrees F, which is absolute zero. It just depends on the stars, and sometimes large gas planets that generate heat.

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12y ago

Since the Oort Cloud has still not been completely proven we don't know. Though considering it is .8 light years away from the sun it is very very cold. It is about 1,000 times the distance from the Sun then Pluto is. So yeah no one knows the exact temperature.

It's really cold.

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11y ago

If the space is more or less empty of matter the temperature can be near Absolute Zero. You can't get below about 3 Kelvin because of the

Cosmic Background Radiation.

There are "molecular clouds" that usually have temperatures in the range

10 to 50 Kelvin. That's an average of around -243 degrees Celsius.

Molecular clouds can be involved in star formation, eventually.

A bit hotter, about 100 K, are regions of neutral hydrogen atoms.

Then there are the nebulae surrounding young stars. These are mainly ionized hydrogen. These can reach temperatures of a few thousand Kelvin.

Also there is very tenuous matter that can reach about a million degrees Celsius,

heated by events like supernova explosions. Remember though that the density is very low so there's not much heat, despite the high temperatures.

So the answer is : from near Absolute Zero to about a million degrees Celsius.

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