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No, it isn't. It's the ball of rock itself, the earth. We got "lithos" from the Greek for stone. The lithosphere is the stone sphere, or the earth.

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Q: Is the lithosphere the sphere of light around the earth?
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Imagine a light bulb in the center of a sphere. It emits a fixed quantity of light. That's how much light will reach the sphere. The concentration of light per unit of area, on the sphere, will depend upon how large the sphere is. And the area of a sphere is proportional to the square of the radius of the sphere. So the intensity of the light will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance which it has to travel. It is effectively illuminating a larger sphere (even if there is no actual sphere, the principle remains the same).

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Earth is continuously rotating on its axis around the sun and it is a sphere. The part of Earth that comes in front of sun gets light from sun and hence day Appers on these areas while the areas which are on the other side get night.

How do you demonstrate seasons I am doing a weather project and one of the tasks is to come up with a presentation and or demonstartion on seasons So the question is How do you demonstate season?

The seasons are caused by the rotational tilt of the Earth. Instead of pointing straight up and down, perpendicular to the sun's equator, the Earth's poles are tilted at a 23-degree angle. This means that at certain times of year, one-half of the Earth receives more sunlight than the other half. When the North Pole is facing the sun, the Northern Hemisphere receives more sun. This is summer in the north and winter in the south. When the South Pole faces the sun, the opposite is true. In order to demonstrate this, set up a sphere (baseballs, basketballs or globes) on a track around a strong light source, such as a light bulb. Make sure the sphere is tilted 23-degrees and then move the sphere around the bulb. The changing light patterns on the sphere will mimic the various seasons on Earth. A series of four spheres could also be set up around the light bulb, all tilted in the same direction, at 23-degrees. Each sphere would represent one season - summer, fall, winter, and spring - for each hemisphere.

How much of the moon gets light from the sun at all times?

It depends how much part of earth is in between sun and moon blocking sun's light as the moon is a sphere and earth's shadow causes it to look like being changing its shape.