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Q: Is the seasonal shift of isotherms greater over the continents than over the ocean?
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Do isotherms show a greater seasonal shift over land or ocean?

Isotherms, which are lines connecting areas with the same average temperature, generally exhibit a greater seasonal shift over land compared to the ocean. This is because land heats up and cools down more quickly than the ocean due to differences in heat capacity and heat transfer mechanisms. Therefore, the temperature variation on land between seasons is usually more pronounced than that over the ocean.

Which ocean has an area greater than that of all the continents combined?

Pacific Ocean

Which ocean has a greater area than all the continents combined?

The Pacific Ocean has a greater area than all the continents combined. It covers about 30% of the Earth's surface and is the largest and deepest ocean in the world.

What are the continents not touched by the Pacific Ocean?

The continents that do not have Pacific Ocean coasts are Europe and Africa.

Why do isotherms not run parallel?

Because the unequal distribution of land and water and ocean currents influence their direction.

Which ocean is north of all 7 continents?

The ocean that is North of all 7 Continents is the Arctic Ocean.

How may continents border Antarctic Ocean?

The Southern Ocean surrounds Antarctica. No other continents border this ocean.


Actually, there are three continents that do not touch the Pacific Ocean, if you accept that the Southern Ocean is a separate Ocean. The continents are Antarctica, Europe and Africa. Otherwise it is Europe and Africa.

Which ocean has an area greater than all of the continents combined?

The total size of the Pacific Ocean is larger than all of the land mass in the world put together. The size of the Pacific Ocean is estimated at 63.8 million square miles and has a total volume of 714 million cubic kilometers. This represents 50.1% of all of the world's oceanic water.

Does the Atlantic ocean touches 3 continents?

There is only 3 continents that the Atlantic Ocean touches. The three continents are Europe, Asia and North America.

What continents can the ocean ecosystem be found?

Oceans are not found on continents.

What is ocean continent convergence?

Where ocean and continents meet