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No. In addition to oceanic crust being created at mid-ocean ridges, crust is destroyed at certain convergent plate boundaries where one plate subducts under another.

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Q: Is the size of the earth increasing due to oceanic crust being produced?
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It is increasing. The total amount of continental crust remains the same, but new oceanic crust is being formed at the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

What happens when the oceanic crust is increasing along mid-oceanic ridges?

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Where are the youngest portion of Earth's crust found?

The youngest parts of the Earth's crust are found in the oceanic crust. This crust is continuously being created at the mid-oceanic ridges.

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The continental crust is the land. The oceanic is under the ocean.

How does the age of oceanic crust compare to the age of continental crust?

Oceanic crust is generally much younger. New ocean crust is constantly being formed.

Why is the oceanic crust is more active than the continental crust?

This is because the Oceanic Crust is denser and thinner than the Continental Crust and is actively being created by the forces of the magma at different mid-oceanic ridges.

Is it true that Earth's radius and surface area are slowly increasing to accommodate the new oceanic crust being formed at mid-ocean ridges?

This statement is not true.

What happens when an oceanic and an oceanic plate collide?

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Earth's radius and surface area are slowly increasing to accommodate the new oceanic crust being formed at mid-ocean ridges. True or False?
