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No. Earth's atmosphere is fairly homogeneous, being about 79% nitrogen at all levels.

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Q: Is the stratosphere more important because it contains nitrogen?
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What are 5 reasons about why your Earth's atmosphere is important?

because the atmosphere contains water vapor, which causes it to rain on earth and it contains oxygen so we could breathe and it also contains nitrogen for the nitrogen cycle. the atmosphere is also important because it has carbon dioxide so the plants could "breathe" and another reason is that it has the ozone layer, which protects us from the sun's harmful rays.

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Because the ozone layer in the stratosphere contains oxygen and it protects the surface of earth from the suns ultraviolet rays... :) hope this helped

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yes it contains two moles of nitrogen because NH4NO3 has two nitrogen therefore it equals to 2 moles on nitrogen.

Why is nitrogen important to plant and animals?

because the nitrogen helps the plant grow

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What atmospheric layer has the greatest concentration of ozone?

The ozone layer reaches its maximum concentration in Stratosphere. It does so because of the suitable conditions.

Why is the layer of stratosphere of great interest to meteorologists?

This is because it is the most interesting with all of it's values.

Protista are ecologically important because they process nitrogen through nitrogen fixation?

No. Nitrogen fixation is done by bacterias.

Why is Nitrogen cycle is important?

Its important because its what makes u fart! :)

Why is nitrogen important in healthy soil?

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Why is nitrogen fixation important for plants?

Because it provides extra nitrogen from the air for their growth and development.