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Q: Is there a chemical reaction between ammonium chloride and sodium carbonate?
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Related questions

Why is ammonium chloride not a chemical reaction?

Because aluminium chloride is a compound, not a reaction.

What is the chemical name of the formula NH4Cl?

NH4Cl is ammonium chloride. It is the product of an acid-base reaction between ammonia and hydrochloric acid. It is mildly acidic.

Does ammonium carbonate react with calcium chloride?

No, ammonium carbonate does not react with calcium chloride.

What would be the reaction between ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide?

Any chemical reaction occur.

What is the reaction of barium chloride and ammonium carbonate?

BaCl2 + (NH4)2CO3 = BaCO3 + 2 NH4Cl Barium carbonate is a white precipitate, toxic.

Where can one learn how to make ammonium chloride?

The internet is full of useful ways on how to make ammonium chloride. Hydrochloric acid, and ammonia can be combined to produce a chemical reaction which creates ammonium chloride.

What is an example of a chemical reaction that absorbs heat?

dissolving ammonium chloride in water

What reactions does ammonium chloride and water produce?

No chemical reactions will happen when ammonium chloride and water is mixed. Water will dissolve ammonium chloride, meaning the ions of ammonium chloride will dissociate, but no chemical reaction involving the creation of new species will occur. The drop in temeperature is due to the fact that the dissolution process for ammonium chloride is endothermic. Changes in temperature therefore are not good indications of chemical reactions.

Ammonium chloride sodium hydroxide the formula?

The chemical formula of sodium hydroxide is NaOH. The chemical formula of ammonium chloride is NH4Cl. Any reaction between these substances in water solution.

What is the chemical equation for the neutralization reaction of NH3 titrated with HCl?

This reaction gives ammonium chloride as the product.

Will aluminum nitrate and copper nitrate react if combined in ammonium carbonate solution?

A chemical reaction.

Will there be a reaction between ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride?

no reaction