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Q: Is there liquid nitrogen in a refrigerator?
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Which material is used for the cooling in refrigerators?

use of liquid nitrogen in refrigerator

Is liquid nitrogen boiling in a refrigerator a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change, a change in phase from liquid to gas (evaporation). The nitrogen is chemically the same at the lower liquid temperature, but has some different properties because of its ability to absorb heat. If you cool the nitrogen gas , it will turn liquid again.

What are the two methods to cool down substances?

- place a sample in a refrigerator- place a sample in liquid nitrogen

What phase is liquid nitrogen in at room temperature?

Liquid nitrogen is liquid.

What will be the state of liquid nitrogen after boiling?

when the liquid nitrogen is boiled then it will turn into nitrogen gas.

Is liquid nitrogen an element or compound?

Liquid nitrogen is an element.

Who discovered liquid nitrogen?

Bob discovered liquid nitrogen.

Can liquid nitrogen gas be condensed?

Liquid nitrogen is condensed gaseous nitrogen. When a gasis condensed it is called to be in liquid state.

If liquid nitrogen freezes everything why is itself a liquid?

liquid nitrogen will not freeze everything. Hydrogen and helium will remain a gas when exposed to liquid nitrogen.

What is the solvent and solute in liquid nitrogen?

There is neither a solvent nor solute in liquid nitrogen as it is not a solution. Liquid nitrogen is pure elementalnitrogen in liquid form.

How can prepare nitrogen liquid?

The liquid nitrogen is prepared by fractional distillation of liquid air.

What is colder - liquid nitrogen or liquid heluim?

Liquid helium is a lot colder than liquid nitrogen.