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electricity is electrons jumping to protons. So when you see a lightning strike it is actually thousands of electrons jumping to Earth

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Q: Is thunder and lightning the same and made up with electricity?
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What is the difference between a lightning storm and a thunderstorm?

sometimes they are used interchangeably but technically a Lightning storm involves visible lightning bolts striking the earth. A thunderstorm on the other hand just involves the sound thunder, although thunder may be the sound of lighting striking but the lightning may not be visible or strike the earth directly so the proper name would be thunderstorm in this example.

Is thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrester same?

Thunder and lightning go hand in hand and basically it is the same arrester that works for both. Yes. Thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrested are the same.

What are the similarities of thunder and lightning?

No, the two are quite different. The main difference is lightning is light, thunder is sound. Lightning is an electric charge that can come from a cloud for various reasons. Thunder is the sound made by lightning. Since sound travels slower than light, lightning comes first, thunder second.

Is thunder stronger than lightning?

No, because lightning is a source of light and electricity. which can cause serious damage to trees, human etc.

Is thunder the same as lightning?

Thunder and lightning occur roughly at the same time during a thunderstorm, but they are different things. Typically you see the lightning first and then you hear the thunder.

Why do you sometimes hear thunder at about the same time of lightning?

you are probably hearing the thunder from a different lightning strike.

What was the Norse lightning god?

well.....there is a thunder god, so i can safely assume that the thunder and lightning god are the same. he is THOR

Why do thunder and lightning bolt occur at the same instant?

Thunder is the sound of the lightening

Who was the Roman god of rain thunder and lightning?

Jupiter is the same as Zeus and he is the god of the sky and lightning

Why do sometimes hear thunder at about the same time you see flash of lightning but other times you hear thunder after the flash?

If you hear the thunder almost at the same time as the lightning flash - the storm is directly overhead. Usually - the sound of thunder arrives a few seconds after the lightning, because light travels much faster than sound.

Do lighting and thunder have the same cause?

No. Lightning is caused by electrical charges travelling from clouds to the earth, earth to clouds or cloud to cloud. Thunder is caused by lightning.

Why do you see lightning before hearing the thunder when they are made by the same event?

Light waves travel faster than sound waves!