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LOL equater

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Q: Line around middle of the earth what is it called?
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What is the imaginary horizontal line that goes around the middle of the earth called?

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What imaginary line that runs around the middle of the earth from east to west is called the?


The imaginary line around the middle of the earth?

the equator is the imaginary line around the earth.

What is an imaginary line in the middle of the sky called?

The imaginary line in the middle of the sky is called the Celestial Equator. It is basically just like the equator that goes around the earth. It is basically the dividing line of two halves of the earth.

Imaginary line that circles the middle of the earth?

The imaginary line that circles the middle of the earth is called the equator.

Imaginary line around the middle of earth?

The line your referring to is the Equator.

Is the equator an imaginary line around which the earth rotates?

The equator is an imaginary line which indicates where the middle of the earth is and it goes around.

What is the imaginary line across the middle of the earth called?


What is the middle of the earth is called?

the middle part of earth is called the axis. if you draw a line to the north pole to the south pole, then that is called the axis.

Name the imaginary line around the middle of the earth dividing in half?


What is the imaginary line that runs around the middle of the earth from east to west?


Imaginary line around which earth spins?

The imaginary line between the poles of the Earth around which the Earth spins is called the "axis of rotation".