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When it comes to the flow of energy in ecosystems there are two types of organisms: producers and consumers.

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Q: List the types of organisms that energy flows through in an ecosystem?
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How is movement of matter and energy through an ecosystem different?

An example of the transfer of energy is the food chain. This is different from movement of basic elements in the ecosystem because energy gets used, not just moved.

Ecologists study feeding patterns to learn how energy flows with an?


How does the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem differ from the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional and is not cyclic. It is represented in a flowchart form. The flow of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic like a water cycle. An example for flow of energy is :- sun --- producer --- primary consumer --- secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer --- decomposer. The energy remained in the is very little and it is released as heat. An example for flow of nutrients is :- air, water, soil --- producer --- primary consumer ----secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer ---- decomposer ---- air, water, soil--- and so on (cyclic)

How did plants and animals get their energy before they became fossil fuels?

Plants derive energy through photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into chemical energy. Animals obtain their energy by consuming plants or other animals. In this way, energy flows through the food chain, with each organism relying on the energy stored in the organisms they consume. Before the formation of fossil fuels, the primary sources of energy were natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, and organic matter from living organisms.

What would happen to the energy flow through an ecosystem if the decomposers were eliminated?

Nothing. There is a misconception that there is an energetic cycle in an ecosystems but that is erroneous. There is a cycle in nitrogen and other nutrients that decomposers engender and, eventually, plants absorb but there is zero energy content in those as plants take 100 of the energy from the sun. The purport of decomposers is to return nutrients to the soil, not energy. Energy only flows in one direction in the biological world starting and getting dispersed out by the different biological organisms until is thoroughly lost to the entropy in the universe. A decomposer is yet another organism that consumes the energy amassed by the plants from the sun and disperses it out.

Related questions

What do scientists use to describe the way energy flows through an ecosystem?

They use Biomass Pyramid to describe how energy flows to an ecosystem .

Which would be considered an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a system comprised of living organisms and nonliving material working together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. The basic requirements of an ecosystem include a source of energy, the ability to store energy in chemical bonds, and a means by which to recycle essential substances between organisms and the environment.

How energy move through an ecosystem?

Energy flows in one direction from producer to consumer to decomposer.

What a foods web?

a food web is a model representing the many interconnected food chains and pathways on which energy flows through a group of organisms.

What is the typical movement of energy through an ecosystem?

The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.

What model shows how energy is lost as it flows through an ecosystem?

The water cycle!

The steps by which energy flows among a group of organisms is called?

A food chain.The steps by which energy flows among groups of organisms is called an energy pyramid. The energy pyramid shows what organisms get energy from other organisms and how much they get.

What is an accurate example of how energy flows through an ecosystem?

sunlight --> plants --> herbivores --> carnivores

What is the over all flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy in an ecosystem flows in whats called the 10% rule. Meaning, as you move up the pyramid 10% of energy is lost.

In an ecosystem what moves between organisms Why is this important?

I am pretty sure that you copied the fifth question on the back of a worksheet, 5.3 Food Chains.......and the answer is in the text....but i'll give it to you anyways. Energy flows through organism to help it to live. If organisms didn't have energy they would die out.

How does the way that matter flows through an ecosystem different from the way that energy flows?

Unlike the one way flow of energy, matter is recycled within and between ecosystems.

What is the over all flow of energy through an ecosystem from?

Energy in an ecosystem flows in whats called the 10% rule. Meaning, as you move up the pyramid 10% of energy is lost.