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Francium and lithium have the same number of valence electrons.

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Q: Lithium and francium have similar properties because they A have the same number of electron shells B have the same number of valence electrons C have the same number of?
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How are francium and lithium related if francium has 87 electrons and lithium has three?

Both francium and lithium have 1 electron in their outer electron shell and have a partially filled s-orbital. Both metals easily lose this outer shell electron.

How many electrons in lithium are responsible for its chemical properties?

Just the one electron in Lithium's outer shell is responsible for its chemical properties.

Group 1A elements have similar properties because they?

have the same number of valence electrons, need the same number of electrons to fill their valence shells

Why doesn't lithium react as well as francium?

Francium and lithium have different atomic numbers, electron configuration, Pauling electronegativity etc.

Lithium and francium have similar properties because they what?

Belong to the same group

Which elements have one valence electron?

In addition to hydrogen, all elements in Group I of the periodic table have one valence electron. They are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. The farther you move right on the periodic table the more valence electrons. For example, elements in Group VII have 8 valence electrons except helium.

How many electrons are there in the lithium ion?

Lithium loses one electron when fulfilling the octet rule. A neutral atom of lithium will have the same number of electrons as protons, 3. Therefore, a lithium ion will have one less electron, 2.

Lithium has 3 electrons. What is the electron configuration of lithium?

suck a dick

Which element has one valenece electron?

Hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium have one valence electron.

How many electrons does lithium gain?

Lithium loses one electron when it reacts

What is the electron number for lithium?

The number of electrons in each lithium atom is 3.

Why are caesium have similar chemical properties to francium?

They only need to lose one electron to obtain noble gas configuration and thus it is extremely energetically favorable for them to do this. Rubidium, potassium, sodium and lithium also only need one electron removing. With cesium and francium however, the atoms are much larger making the outer electron much further from the positive nucleus and also shielded by lot more electrons. This makes it extremely easy to remove and thus they are both highly reactive.