

Magnets repel what elements?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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A good Periodic Table will have a symbol telling you which elements are ferromagnetic (strongly attracted by magnets), paramagnetic (weakly attracted by magnets), or diamagnetic (weakly repelled by magnets).

Pyrolytic carbon is fairly strongly diamagnetic, as is bismuth. A lot of other elements (including Mercury, silver, lead and copper) are diamagnetic to a lesser degree.

I've linked to a table showing which are which for many (but not all) elements.

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Conditions that magnets use for them to repel?

Magnets attract or repel other magnets thanks to something called the magnetic force.

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Usually magnets attract any iron based metals. Magnets usually only attract or repel other magnets

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Two alike magnets repel because of the way that the magnetic force flows from each Pole.

Can people see magnets repel?

Yes, people can see magnets repel because apparently, the just won't connect

Which poles are together when magnets repel?

when the magnets repel they have the same poles facing each other. Like if you hold two north side pole together they will repel.

Do magnets attract or repel in vacuum?

Vacuum has no effect on the actions of magnets.

Do magnets with the same poles repel?

Yes, they repel when the same poles are together.

Do magnets repel non magnetic materials not including electro-magnets?

of course not.

When magnets repel each other do they go in opposite directions?

Yes they go in opposite directions and Repel. For example if you have two magnets and point the South and South together they will repel each other.

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