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Q: Most fungi live by decomposing the remains of plants animals and microbes found in soil that is why most fungi are called?
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Most fungi are called?

Most fungi live by decomposing the remains of plants, animal, and microbes found in soil. That is why most fungi are called ?

How are fungi dependent on plants and animals for their energy?

Animals and fungi that must depend on autotrophs for their food energy are called consumers. These consumers are also called heterotrophs.

What are animals that feed on dead organic matter called?

Fungus is the organism that feed on dead an decaying matter.Animals that feed on dead remains are called Scavengers eg Crow,Vulture.

What is most fungi called because they live by decomposing the remains of plants etc found in soil?


What are animals called that live below earth?

worms and microbes

What are animals that have already died that are eaten by vultures?

They eat all dead and/or decomposing animals, they're also called carrion.

What is equine microbiology?

A microbiologist who deals with the microbes of animals like farm animals or pets etc. is called veterinary microbiologist. In this a microbiologist studies the effect of microbes on the animals and the disease caused by them.

What are disease causing microbes called?

The disease causing microbes are called pathogens.

The type of rocks that form where the remains of plants and animals are deposited in thick layers are called?

The type of rock that forms where the remains of plants and animals are deposited in thick layers are called organic sedimentary rock.

What is the organic material formed soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals called?

It is called humus.humus

The organic materials formed in the soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals is called what?

It is called humus.humus

What is the organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals are called?

It is called humus.