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Earthquake waves

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Q: Most of the information about Earth's interior was obtained by studying what?
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What prevents geologists from studying earths interior?

Depth, temperature and pressure barrier.

Is earths interior hot or cold?

The earths interior is cold

Why do you think scientists study earths interior?

why do you think scientists study earths interior?if you were a scientists ,will you undertake a study of the earths interior?

What do geoligists use to map the earths interior?

bananas are eatin by the earths interior

Does indirect evidence of earths interior come from studying rock samples?

Geolagists think yes but everyone says NO what do u think? Love morganc😜

What information did scientist study in order to develop a model of earths interior?

It is caused by rcording of earthquake waves

Which have scientist learned from studying seismic waves that travel through earths interior?

The speed of the waves that travel through the interior can tell the density of each layer of the Earth. Some waves can make it through certain layers, but not others.

What is the seismic wave that travel's through the earths interior?

A body wave is a seismic wave that travels through Earths interior.

How does temperature of earths crust compare to the temperature of earths interior?

it depends on the deepth

How the earths interior is divided into layers?


Is powered by energy from the earths interior?


Which is powered by engery from earths interior?
