

New crust forms when or where?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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where two plates pull apart from each other

at oceanic ridges

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Q: New crust forms when or where?
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Related questions

New crust forms what kind of new boundaries?

Divergent boundaries create new crust.

Earth does not get bigger as new oceanic crust forms?

Just as new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, old oceanic crust is destroyed at subduction zones.

Where does new crust forms in the earth?

at ocean ridges

Is the continental drift the new crust that forms magma?

yes it is

What plate boundaries are where the crust forms?

new crust forms at divergint bounderies where plates move apart magma oozes up and cools down and creates new crust and the old crust moves away and sucks in the earth

Where does new crust forms..?

New crust is formed at divergent boundaries. While an equal volume of new crust is forming the Earth still remains the same size.

What forms at the center of the mid ocean ridge?

New oceanic crust.

How can the ocean crust be different ages?

On geologic time scales, new oceanic crust is constantly being formed ad mid-ocean ridges while older crust is destroyed at subduction zones. The crust forms at the ridge and is carried away by the movement of the plate as new crust forms to take its place. The oceanic crust is youngest new a mid ocean ridge and oldest far away from it.

How can the crust be different ages?

On geologic time scales, new oceanic crust is constantly being formed ad mid-ocean ridges while older crust is destroyed at subduction zones. The crust forms at the ridge and is carried away by the movement of the plate as new crust forms to take its place. The oceanic crust is youngest new a mid ocean ridge and oldest far away from it.

New crust forms?

New crust forms at spreading zones like the Mid-Atlantic ridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They occur because of ocean floor spreading.

Is a new ocean crust formed at a divergent boundary?

because the molten rock cools in the water and forms a oceanic crust

Which geologic process forms new crust on the ocean floor?

seafloor speading