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Q: Nitrogen fixation is a process that changes plant and soil into nitrogen compounds?
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Nitrogen fixation is carried out primarly by?

Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria are the primary source in which Nitrogen Fixation is carried out. The bacteria changes N2 (unreactive element) into nitrogen compounds, which are soluble and can be absorbed.

Which process changes free nitrogen in the air into nitrogen-containing compounds that can be used by living things?

nitrogen fixation

How is nitrogen gas processed or changes so that plant cells can use it?

Nitrogen is changed into compounds that plants can use by bacteria.

How is notrogen fixation a necessary part of the nitrogen cycle?

Plants use nitrogen a N- and air has N2. Nitrogen fixation changes nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

What is nitrogen fixation primarily carried out by?

Nitrogen-fixating prokaryotes (such as bacteria) present in the roots of legumes and some other plants take N2 from the air and convert it to nitrogen compounds usable by plants. Nitrogen fixing bacteria (diazotrophs).

What converts nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?

okay heres the nitrogen cycle nitrogen from atmosphere it taken in by 1)lightning( its energy causes nitrogen to react with oxygen n rain to the soil) 2)nitrogen- fixing bacteria in nodules ( plant roots which take it directly form the atmosphere ) NITROGEN FROM SOIL to organisms 1)nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil - breakdown of dead plants n animals releases nitrogen to the soil 2)fertilizers - which contain nitrogen compounds eg NPK OR natural fertilizers i,e dead plants n animals release nitrogen , animal urine and faeces release nitrogen as well to the soil 3)nitrogen fixing bacteria in nodules get nitrogen from its compounds in the soil 4)nitrifying bacteria - converts compounds of ammonia into nitrates .. for the plant nodules NITROGEN TO ATMOSPHERE 1) denitrifying bacteria in soil - changes nitrates to nitrogen gas and its released back to the atmosphere

Nearly 70 percent of the world's nitrogen is produced in the ocean?

I don't think the ocean produces nitrogen or oxygen for that matter. Nitrogen comes from fusion (in a star, hydrogen turns into helium, which in turn changes into heavier elements). The ocean may store some nitrogen as a dissolved gas and nitrogen in the form of compounds such as NH3 and other soluble salts.

What changes nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

What bacteria convert nitrites into nitrates?

Nitrogen fixation occurs in1 free living bacteria and archaea e.g. Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Clostridium, and Methanococcus,2 bacteria living in symbiotic association with plants such as legumes e.g. Rhizobium3 cyanobacteria e.g. Nostoc, Anabaena, and Trichodesmia.

Is nitrogen change states a chemical or physical change?

nitrogen physical changes

What role does lightning have in nature?

Lightning has a BIG part in nature. It knockes down trees and burns forests to make room for more forest.Answer:Lightning changes nitrogen in the air into soluble nitrogen compounds that can be used by plants as fertilizer.

What changes nitrogen gas to nitrogen in the soil?

Microorganisms living in the soil convert it through chemosynthesis.