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Q: One important difference between living things and nonliving things is that only living things have?
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What is difference between living and nonliving?

Non living is dead and living is alive

What are the differences between living and nonliving?

The difference between living and non-living is: the 6chararistics of living things:1.) cellular

What is the difference between living and nonliving thing?

living things can not respair&Non living things are respair

What is difference between living and nonliving thing?

living things can not respair&Non living things are respair

What is the difference between biotic and antibiotic?

biotic is where something is nonliving and abiotic is something that is living or was living

Most biologists agree that the difference between living and nonliving matter can be explained by looking at what?

Most biologists agree that the difference between living and nonliving matter can be explained by looking at?

What is the difference between living things and nonliving things?

one is alive other is not a non living thing is like a fibre glass plastic ect.

What is the difference between nonliving and living things?

nonliving is like the ocean the ocean doesnt breathe and the ocean doesnt talk living is like animals like humens we could talk we could write and breathe but does the ocean knows how to do that? No i dont think so so now you know what nonliving and whats living

What is difference between biotic and abiotic components of the environment?

The difference between an abiotic and biotic enviorment is an abiotic enviorment had living organisms in it while a biotic enviorment contains nonliving organisms.

What is the difference of nonliving from living based on the attributes of life?

i need it answered

What is the difference between a biogenesis and a spontaneous generation?

bogenisis-theory that living things come only from other living things . spontaneous generation-idea that living things come from nonliving things.

What object is considered living and nonliving?

if your asking what is the difference living is something that is alive and i think you get the point that ........... nonliving is ...............................DEAD. Or never was alive what ever you guys like best.