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Q: Oxidation states of reaction between potassium oxide and carbon dioxide?
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When carbon burns in air carbon dioxide is formed what type of reaction is this?

It is a Oxidation reaction.

When is oxidation not combustion?

Combustion is a type of oxidation; combustion is the reaction of organic materials when the products are carbon dioxide and water.

What chemical reaction happens when a hydrocarbon burns?

The reaction is called oxidation; carbon dioxide and water are released.

What is a property of a combustion reaction?

A combustion reaction is an oxidation reaction - combustion need oxygen; the products are water and carbon dioxide.

Why magnesium burn in the presence of carbon dioxide what are the reaction taking place?


What reaction is catalysed by a catalytic converter?

Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. Reduction of nitrogen monoxide back to nitrogen. Oxidation of hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide.

How do carbon dioxide and potassium dichromate react?

Any reaction occur.

What kind of reaction occurs when a molecule of glucose reacts with oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water?


How does a candle produce carbon dioxide while it burns?

Any burning (oxidation reaction) produce carbon dioxide.

What reaction takes place in the presence of oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water?

This is an oxidation reaction as combustion (burning).

What happens during paper is burning?

This is an oxidation reaction; carbon dioxide and water are released.

Why is the reaction between glycerol and potassium permanganate irreversible?

The reaction between glycerol and potassium permanganate is irreversible because it involves a complete change in the molecular structure of the reactants. Glycerol, an alcohol compound, is oxidized by potassium permanganate, resulting in the formation of different products, such as carbon dioxide, water, and manganese dioxide. Once these new products are formed, it is difficult to reverse the reaction and reform the original reactants.