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Q: Percentage of nitrogen in the earth's crust?
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What percentage of carbon is made up of earth's crust?

About 7% of the earths crust

What is the percentage of the earths crust?

The percentage of Earth's crust is less than one percentage in terms of Earth's volume. The Earth's crust is actually a thin layer.

What is silvers abundance in the Earths crust?

its the percentage in mass !

Percentage of the exposed earths crust occupied by mountains is?


What three elemenst make up most of the earths crust?

Silicon, oxygen and nitrogen

What does rocks in earths mantle contain a higher percentage of what than rocks in earths crust?

iron and magnesium

What percentage of earths crust is made up of alkali earth metals?


What makes up the largest percentage of mass on earths crust?

Oxygen and silicon

What percentage of the Earths air is Nitrogen?

Approximately 78%.its percentage is different in different percentage varies from 77.08 TO 79.79

Is the earths crust less than one percent of earths mass?

With a very sizable iron core and a (by comparison) wafer-thin crust, I doubt that the earth's crust even approximates a full percentage point.

Nitrogen is found in nearly every mineral in the earths crust?

This affirmation is not true; nitrogen exist only in some minerals (see the list below).

What rock makes up most of earths crust and what percentage is it?

90 persent and lava