

Phosphorus pentaiodide formula

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Phosphorus pentaiodide formula
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What is the Formula for phosphorus pentaiodide?

phosphorus pentaoxide or p2o5 dimerises into p4o10

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Don't know P2I5. PI5 (phosphorus pentaiodide) is more likely but couldn't find anything on that. Maybe this is meant: P2I4 , diphosphorus tetraiodide synthesized from phosphorus triiodide 2 PI3 → P2I4 + I2

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The chemical formula for phosphorus mononitride is PN.

What is the chemical formula for phosphorus mononitride?

The chemical formula for phosphorus mononitride is PN.

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There is no "formula" for "calcium and phosphorus". The symbol for calcium is Ca; the symbol for phosphorus is P. You'd have to specify an actual compound in order to get a formula.

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The chemical symbol (not formula) of phosphorus is P.

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Formula: P4

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The imaginary compound nitrogen pentaiodide would be NI5 , it would not be an acid- there are no ionisable H atoms. (or a Lewis acid- it has no lone pair.) There is a real compound NI3, a very unstable substance a contact explosive. There is a reported PI5, but that is disputed.

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Phosphorus (III) oxide: P4O6

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Red, yellow and black phosphorus have the same emperical formula P4.

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Phosphorus trichloride is represented by the formula PCl3.

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Phosphorus stays in tetra atom form in its elemental state and its formula is P4