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Plates of the lithosphere do not float on the core. They float on the asthenosphere (plastic mantle). Due to convection currents and the earths rotation, plates glide over the asthenosphere. This theory is the theory of Plate Tectonics.

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Q: Plates of the lithosphere float on Core?
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What do tectonic plates float on?

They are floating on the outer core

Tectonic plates float on what?

The tectonic plates float on the lithosphere. This overlies the asthenosphere.

Plates of the lithosphere float on the?


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What do the plates on the lithosphere float on?

the ductile athenosphere.

What do plates of the lithosphere float on?

the ductile athenosphere.

Are tectonic plates part of the asthenosphere or the lithosphere?

Tectonic plates are segments of the lithosphere. They float on top of the asthenosphere.

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The large sections of the lithosphere that float on the asthenosphere are called tectonic plates

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What do the tectonic plates float on?

The tectonic plates, part of the lithosphere, move around and float on the top of the asthenosphere.

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