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you cant stop it because too many people dont listen.

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1mo ago

Pollution is difficult to stop due to various reasons such as lack of regulation, industrial activities, growing population, and reliance on fossil fuels. It requires coordinated efforts from governments, industries, and individuals to implement sustainable practices, reduce emissions, and protect the environment. International cooperation and widespread awareness are also crucial in addressing pollution effectively.

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Q: Pollution plus Why can't you stop it?
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What are some ways that we can stop garbage pollution?

Some ways to stop garbage pollution include reducing single-use plastics, recycling and composting waste, properly disposing of trash in designated bins, participating in beach and community clean-ups, and supporting policies that promote sustainable waste management. Additionally, raising awareness about the impacts of garbage pollution and educating people on responsible waste disposal practices can help prevent further pollution.

What is 3 possible solutions to stop pollution?

It is impossible to stop pollution. You cannot people to use air conditioner or cars. You can reduce pollution. You can practise the 3'R with are reduce, reuse and recycle, to reduce all the type of pollution. Use electrical cars example hybrid cars to reduse air pollution. Throw rubbish in a proper place example in rubbish bin, to reduce land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and the spread of diseases like influenza A H1N1. Actually there are more than 3 ways to reduce pollution. You can find them in other web sites.

Get you a hypothesis about air pollution?

Increased levels of air pollution are positively correlated with higher rates of respiratory illnesses and allergies in urban areas. This hypothesis suggests that individuals living in areas with high air pollution are more likely to experience adverse respiratory health effects compared to those in areas with lower pollution levels.

Does water pollution stop the movement of water?

Water pollution does not stop the movement of water, but it can affect the quality and health of the water. Pollutants can slow down the natural flow of water by clogging waterways or affecting the organisms living in the water, which can disrupt ecosystems and harm wildlife.

What is the remedy for pollution?

Remedies for pollution include implementing strict environmental regulations, investing in clean technologies, promoting renewable energy sources, encouraging public transportation and cycling, and raising awareness about sustainable practices. It requires collective effort from governments, industries, and individuals to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

Related questions

Why can't you stop pollution we can't stop pollution because its happening to quikly?

we cant stop polution because there are too much greenhouse gasses being let out. and george is cool

What would the future be like if you cant stop air pollution?

most likely that if the air pollution is not stoped the world will be a dark place in about 1oo years or so

How do stop land pollution?

you can stop land pollution by recycling.

How do you stop radioactive pollution?

we can stop this pollution by throwing booms.

How do you stop personal pollution?

by cleaning our bowls we can stop personal pollution

What are the top ten slogans to stop pollution on earth?


Which12 Nations have pollution?

All of them. You cant populate an area and not have pollution as a result.

Can you stop air pollution?

you can stop by smoking

How do you stop fish deaths caused by pollution?

You stop the polution.

What can you do as a group to stop water pollution?

to stop using polythene's

When you do laundry why does the oil and water mix?

So your clothes can get clean. Plus you cant stop it from mixing its not going to mess up your clothes

What can stop soil pollution?
