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abiotic .Because due to increase in temperature the evapouration rate of river increase.Temperature, heat etc are abiotic factors.

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Q: River dry up is it biotic or abiotic factor?
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Is dry soil abiotic or biotic?

It is both because soil is not living But, it also has dead organisms in it.

What are the abiotic and biotic factors of a snail?

Abiotic FactorThe temperature will affect them because otherwise they could dry out.

Is dry soil a abiotic factor?

Yes it is. Abiotic factors are non-living factors.

Is a tree bark abiotic or biotic?

Biotic, anything derived from something biotic or something that was once biotic is too considered biotic.

How do biotic and abiotic factors interact?

Abiotic and biotic components influence each other. For instance, temperature (abiotic factor) can make plants (biotic factor) reproduce more or reproduce less. Also water, an abiotic factor, has an effect on how animals, a biotic factor, survive in certain areas of the world. In Africa, for instance, the migratory patterns of most herbivores are based where water is the most plentiful. When the dry season comes, the animals must move to where the food and water are most abundant. (Some of this behavior also comes from instinct.)

Does a biotic thing become abiotic when it dies?

No, they say that it should not be classified as a abiotic thing because originally it was biotic.

What are the biotic and abiotic factors of the temperate woodland biome?

Biotic factors (living factors): -Animals -Vegetation Abiotic factors (non-living factors): -Rocks -Rainfall -Sunlight -Cold/moderate winders -Warm summers -Fertile soil

How do you use a biotic factor in a sentence?

A biome is a huge dry desert in the south west tundra.

What biotic factors have an influence on abiotic factors?

Humans. We build damns, which block streams which fish need for spawning. We dry up swamp land so we can build on it. The availability of water is an abiotic factor, and we remove the water so we can build.

What biotic adaptations have desert plants made to address the abiotic factors in their environment?

Deserts are abiotic because there is much that is not living in them. Plants have adapted to live on very little water, store water, and live in very hot and dry conditions.

What are the abiotic and biotic factors of a desert?

Biotic factors include animals like camels, sand boa, scorpions, lizards, insects, coyotes, and eagles. A few plants like cactus and other species of succulent plants that are adapted to hot and dry conditions are found in the deserts. The abiotic factors of such an ecosystem includes soil (sand), sunlight, temperature, air and water. The winds , scarcity of water, high temperature , heat and land covered with sand makes the habitat fit to those kinds of animals which can survive such extreme climatic conditions.

What are abiotic factors in an ecosystem?

Abiotic factors affect an environment in many ways. For instance, if there is too much of abiotic fators in an ecosystem than there is biotic factors, the biotic factors will start to decrease due to the lack of biotic factors (food for predators). Therefore, the biotic factors will become extinct.