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Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporities. When a sedimentary rock consists of angular, grave sized particles is breccia.

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Q: Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called?
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Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called .?

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporities. When a sedimentary rock consists of angular, grave sized particles is breccia.

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks that are called what?

Ur huge mom

What isThe most abundant chemical Sedimentary rock?

The most common chemical sedimentary rock is limestone.

What type of rock are the least common of the three types of rocks?

The most common chemical sedimentary rock is limestone.

What are examples of organic sedimentary rock?

some examples of organic sedimentary rocks are coal and limestones

What is a expample of deritral sedimentary rock?

Rock salt, rock gypsum, and some forms of limestone.

How are clastic sedimentary rocks divided?

Clastic (or detrital): Sedimentary rock formed from particles of other sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rock which has been weathered, eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented. Examples of clastic sedimentary rock include shale, sandstone, mudstone, and conglomerate.Chemical: Chemical sedimentary rocks have intergrown mineral crystals that are precipitated from saturated aqueous solutions and chemical residues. The precipitated minerals that are commonly included are halite, quartz, limonite, calcite, chert, dolomite, hematite, and gypsum; consequently, common chemical rocks are limestone, chert, and rock gypsum.Organic:Organic sedimentary rock is rock that is derived or generated from sediments that are produced by organisms. Coal and chalk are examples of organic sedimentary rock.

The two common factors that turn sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock are pressure and?

Temperature And Chemical

What is the most common rock in Michigan?

Many types of rocks can be found in Michigan. The largest and most common rocks found are sedimentary rocks. Examples of sedimentary rocks are granite, feldspar and sandstone.

What is the most common rock type in Michigan?

Many types of rocks can be found in Michigan. The largest and most common rocks found are sedimentary rocks. Examples of sedimentary rocks are granite, feldspar and sandstone.

What are the main types of clastic sedimentary rocks?

Make a list of the properties of each describing each property. In this way the similarities and differences will become more transparent. Asking others to complete your assignment or homework is self defeating.

Which is what is a common minerals found in both organic and chemical sedimentary rocks?

Mica and feldspar are usually found in sedimentary rocks