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They are called extrusive igneous rocks.

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Q: Rocks formed from volcanic eruption are called what?
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What type of rocks formed when lava cools after volcanic eruption?

Extrusive igneous rocks

Magma that is rejected during a volcanic eruption forms igneous rocks?

Magma that is ejected during a volcanic eruption forms extrusive igneous rocks. They are also referred to as volcanic rocks.

How are rocks formed in a volcanic eruption?

They are formed when the erupted magma or lava, cool and sollidifies below or above the earths surface respectively.

When igneous rock from volcanic eruption cool what does it form?

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cools it forms Crystalline Rocks.

What are rocks called that formed from volcanic process?

Those would be igneous rocks. Extrusive igneous rocks.

What are pyroclastics?

Pyroclasts are rock fragments or rocks formed from volcanic fragments thrown into the air as a result of a volcanic eruption. Also known as tephra, some examples of these rocks include pumice, reticulite and scoria.

How do you classify rocks were they form?

those formed deep into the earth are called Intrusive or Plutonic rocks,those formed ator near thesurface are called Extrusive or volcanic rocks

What are the sequence of events leading to a volcanic eruption-?

During a volcanic eruption, magma moves in an upward direction towards the vent of a volcano. The type of eruption depends on the amount of silica and gas. After the eruption, magma touches the earth's surface and is classified as lava. Rocks and other debris in the volcano are forcefully pushed into the air. The rocks are called pyroclastic rocks. When the rocks touch earth, it turns into ash, dust, pummice or cinder.

What type of rocks form when lava cools after a volcanic eruption?

Igneous Rock is formed when a volcano erupts and the the lava cools down to harden. Pumice Stone Extrusive Rocks Glass Rocks Hope this Helps :)

Latin for little stones these are shattered stones thrown out by a volcano?

The stones thrown from a volcanic eruption are called tuff. These rocks are also called volcanic fragments and they can be thrown hundreds of miles away from the volcano.

What rock is formed when a volcano explodes?

An andesite rock. it came out of the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens...

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cools what does it form?

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cool, they can form either intrusive or extrusive rocks. Intrusive igneous rocks form when magma cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface, resulting in larger mineral grains. Examples include granite and diorite. Extrusive igneous rocks form when lava cools quickly on the Earth's surface, resulting in smaller mineral grains. Examples include basalt and pumice.