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Q: Seismic waves that go straight through earth make the trip very quickly what does that tell us about the composition of earths center?
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Seismic waves travel through Earth's layers at different speeds depending on the what?

Density and the composition of the different layers affect the behavior of seismic waves.

What characteristic of seismic waves tells you that the composition of earth is solid?

The fact that some of the seismic waves are transverse. Transverse (mechanical) waves can't travel through a gas, nor through most liquids.

How can scientists infer the consistency of the earths mantle?

They can do this by how and how quickly seismic waves can move through the mantle.

How do w know that the earth is not the same composition all the way through?

Seismic waves do not arrive uniformly all over the Earth

Why does a seismic waves travel faster through solid rock than through water?

Seismic waves travels faster through solid rock than water because their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through.Solid rock is denser than water, hence the energy from seismic waves transfer faster through solid rock than in water.

Why does a seismic wave travels faster through solid rock than through water?

Seismic waves travels faster through solid rock than water because their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through.Solid rock is denser than water, hence the energy from seismic waves transfer faster through solid rock than in water.

What does seismic?

(not seismic, seismic wave)Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth.

Will a seismic wave traveling through a solid go faster or slower than a seismic wave traveling through liquid?

Seismic waves travels faster through solid rock than water because their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through.Solid rock is denser than water, hence the energy from seismic waves transfer faster through solid rock than in water.

How do seismograms recorded during earthquakes help scientists learn about the composition on earth?

Seismograms recorded during earthquakes help scientists learn about the composition of the earth by measuring the seismic waves that travel through the different layers of the Earth. The characteristics of these waves, such as their speed and amplitude, can provide information about the density, elasticity, and temperature of the materials they pass through. By analyzing seismograms from different locations, scientists can map the structure and properties of the Earth's interior, including the boundaries between different layers and the presence of seismic discontinuities.

What does the time-distance graph of seismic waves show?

The time-distance graph of seismic waves shows the relationship between the time it takes for seismic waves to travel and the distance they travel. It helps in determining the speed at which seismic waves propagate through the Earth's interior and provides information about the structure and composition of the Earth's layers.

What is a seismic wave that travels through Earth Interior?

A body wave is a seismic wave that travels through Earths interior.

What is the seismic wave that travel's through the earths interior?

A body wave is a seismic wave that travels through Earths interior.