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cold fronts

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Q: Stratocumulus clouds are associated with what kind of fronts?
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What kind of clouds bring that low altitude and high altitude?

stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds

What kind of clouds form at lower altitudes?

stratocumulus, stratus, and nimbostratus. i think there is one more though..

What kind of precipitation can result from various combinations of nimbus or stratus clouds?

Stratus, stratocumulus- drizzle Nimbostratus- steady rain, snow or sleet

What kind of weather happens at a cold fronts?

Thunderstorms clouds heavy rain snow

What kind of front is associated with status clouds?

It is associated with a warm front

What kind of front is associated with the formation of tornadoes?

Tornadoes frequently form along cold fronts and dry lines. Occasionally they may form along warm fronts. Some tornadoes form from thunderstorms not associated with any fronts.

What kind of clouds are found along cold front?

Cb or cumulonimbus clouds form at the cold font associated with heavy showers, followed by cumulus (Cu) clouds. A cold front forms when a more dense, warm air mass over a departing cold air mass

What kind of weather is associated with warm fronts?

As the warm air rises the water vapor in it condenses into clouds that can produce rain, snow, sleet or freezing rain, often all four. (Related:Storms that bring rain, ice, and snow)

Stratus clouds may be associated with what kind of front?

cold front

What kind of front do tornadoes usually occur with?

Tornadoes and other forms of severe weather are most often associated with cold fronts. However, warm fronts and stationary fronts have on occasion produced tornadoes.

What kind of fronts are in a tornado?

There are not fronts in a tornado. However, the thunderstorms that produce tornadoes are most often found ahead of clod fronts. Dry lines are also common producers of tornadoes. Warm fronts and stationary fronts less often. Some tornadoes form from storms not associated with any fronts.

What kind of weather is associated with cyclones?

thunder storms rainy weather clouds