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Q: Strong updrafts within a thunderhead cloud can produce what?
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Strong updrafts within a thunderhead can produce?


Strong updrafs within a thunderhead can produce?


Strong updrafts within a storm cloud can produce?

hail is your answer

What can strong updraft within a thunderheads produce?


What cuases electric discharge?

Potential differnce. For example, when too much voltage is built up within a thunderhead, the potential difference is high and a discharge occurs.

Why are there often updrafts and downdrafts in supercells?

All thunderstorms contain updrafts and downdrafts, and in fact no thunderstorm could exist without updrafts. A thunderstorm forms when it a mass moist of air is lifted to a point where it is warmer than its surroundings and so rises on its own. This is the updraft and is the storm's source of power. As a storm matures, rain cools the air within it, causing it to sink and form downdrafts.

Where do gamete produce?

Conifers produce gametes within their cones.

Where do conifers produce gametes?

Conifers produce gametes within their cones.

Can strong wind and strong rains cause a tornado?

Not by themselves, no. Most tornadoes form from a kind of severe thunderstorm called a supercell. These storms typically produce strong wind and heavy rain. These components can have some involvement in the formation of the tornado, but are not the direct cause. Much more is at work within the storm.

The organelles that produce proteins used within the cell are what?

Ribosomes produce protein

What does the placenta forms within to produce hormones?


Organelles that produce proteins used within the cell are?

Organelles that produce proteins used within the cell are called ribosomes. Ribosomes produce proteins that are either used within the cell or are processed in the endoplasmic reticulum.