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Q: Summer days in Florida are likely to be hotter than winter days because in summer?
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Why is it likely to be hotter in April than in December?

because the april is so very hotter indecender

Why it is likely to be hotter in April than in December?

It is likely hotter in April than in December t is because the rays of sunlight that hit the ground in April is at the angle of 90 degrees while in December the angle of the sunlight is at 52 degrees.

Why do you think a thunderstorm is more likely to happen in summer than winter?

Its caused by convectional rain which is where the rain rises up very quickly and then falls again this usually happens because of high temperatures but can be caused by strong winds bringing in rain but since summer has hotter temperatures you can do the maths

Are tornadoes more accurate in the summer or winter?

summer because the cold and warm currents are more likely to be in summer

What is least likely to occur in the US during spring and summer months?

Blizzards are least likely to happen in the spring and summer months because the temperatures are warmer.

How does latitude help you predict temperatures?

The closer tho the equator, the hotter it is likely to me, because theheat from the sun is more intense

What part of the US are the most likely to be hit by a hurricane?

Florida because that is a penisula.

Do jellyfish sleep during the summer or winter?

Most likely it would be during the Winter because most likely its very caol and its not likely for them to survive in the harsh cold.

Which state has more 11 year olds Florida or Wyoming?

Probably Florida because it's population is bigger so most likely there are more 11 years old in florida!

Are tornadoes mostly likely in late summer and early?

Tornadoes are more likely to occur in early summer.

What season are rapes more likely to occur?

It has been confirmed that in the summer time more rapes happen. This is because during the summer kids are on their summer vacations so therefore means twice the rapes.

Based on recorded history What time of the year have tornadoes happened the most?

most likely spring and summer but hot places that are like that (accept for Florida and California) happen in winter