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2 our moon and mars.

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Q: Terrestrial worlds which are considered geologically dead?
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What does saying a planet is geologically active mean?

It describes the ongoing changes to the surfaces of terrestrial worlds. This is because terrestrial surfaces change over time. The moon and mercury are considered geologically dead because their surfaces have remained the same for billions of years.

Does mercury have tectonics?

No. Mercury is, for the most part, geologically dead.

Do bigger planet become geologically dead sooner than small planets?

No. Smaller planets become geologically dead sooner. A larger planet has a larger volume and thus a larger heat reservoir than a smaller planet and so can remain geologically active for longer.

What if there was no magma in the Earth composition?

Then, Earth would have been geologically dead.

Did Mercury have eruptions observed?

No. Mercury is essentially geologically dead and has been for billions of years.

Does mercury has volcanoes storms or water?

No. Mercury is a geologically dead planet. It has no volcanoes, not atmosphere, and no water.

Why are craters preserved on the moon but not on earth?

Earth is geologically active and has wind and water to erode craters. The moon is geologically dead and has no atmosphere and thus no erosion. There is nothing on the moon to destroy impact craters.

Are maggots autotrophs?

Maggots are not considered to be autotrophs. They are the larva of flies and mosquitos. They feed on dead and decaying matter and are important in the medical and ecological worlds.

What does it mean when you say Mercury is geologically dead?

The moon, Mercury, and Mars are all so small that over time they have lost much of their internal heat and have become geologically dead. Unlike the Earth which is geologically alive, mercury has no tectonic or core activity. There are no tectonic plates There are no volcanos There is no wind erosion There is no frost erosion There are no rivers and therefore no water erosion There is no change due to living organisms eg sedimentation

Does the moon have a lithosphere?

Plate tectonics do not occur on the Moon, and is not known to have ever occurred. The mass of the Moon is probably too small for this to occur.

What observations are needed to tell whether an Earth-like planet is geologically alive or dead?

images and spectra of the planet

Why is mars geologically dead?

It is geologically dead because all the volcanoes seem to be extinct. Also, there is no tectonic plate activity on Mars. Also, there is no liquid water. So, there's not much to cause sedimentary rock deposits, apart from the winds of the thin atmosphere. However, there is some evidence that Mars is not totally "dead". Possibly there are still 'quakes (called Marsquakes instead of Earthquakes.)