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The Great Plains are also referred to as the interior plains.

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Q: The Great PLains are also referred to as?
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What is a house made of animal skins and found in the great plains?

The houses made of animal skins and were located in the Great Plains are Tepees which are also referred to as Tipi.

The plains stretch arcoss the middle of the united states?

The plains that stretch across the middle of the United States are referred to as the Great Plains.

What is the huge expanse of flatlands between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River?

The Great Plains is the huge expanse of flatlands from the Rocky Mountains eastward to the Mississippi River. The area also may be referred to as the American Plains.

Which landforms cover most of central Canada and central US?

The Great Plains Hills and mountains also Interior Plains

Where is the largest plain on earth?

The largest plains in the world are in North America. They referred to as the great plains and they occupy a surface area of 1.35 million square miles.

What are the coastal plains referred to as?

Coastal plains may be referred to as lowlands, coastal prairie, or coastal grasslands.

What area of the United states was referred to as the Great American Desert?

The term Great American Desert was used in the 19th century to describe the western part of the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains in North America to about the 100th meridian.

African American pioneers on the plains?

The African-American pioneers who traveled to the Great Plains after the American Civil War referred to themselves as Exodusters. The name is a play on Exodus from the Bible.

The Great Plains are than the Central Plains?

The Great Plains are drier and generally have lower average elevation compared to the Central Plains. The Great Plains also have a distinct ecosystem characterized by grasslands, while the Central Plains may have more varied vegetation due to differences in precipitation and soil conditions.

Which US colonies are the breadbasket colonies?

The US does not have any colonies, but the great plains states are those that are referred to as the breadbasket states.

What happen to the great plains?

The Great Plains Native Americans were driven away by the settlers. These Native Americans were also killed off by diseases.

What are the great plains in Oklahoma?

The Great Plains are plains in oklahoma.