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Mechanical weathering

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Q: The abrasive action of waves is know as?
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What abrasive action forms loess?

Loess is windblown dust created by the abrasive action of moving glaciers.

What is a abrasive cloth?

Type your answer here... Abrasive Cloth may know as Abrasive backup with Clothbacking meanly use for Finishing of Materials.

The Grand Canyon was formed by the abrasive action of which river?

The Colorado River.

How does a mussel survive the pounding action of the waves?

A mussel survives the pounding action of the waves by being able to open and close. It can close when the waves hit, and open when the waves go back out.

How can man modify action of waves in wave action?

putting in breakers

The constant action of waves is a major source of erosion along shorelines?


What do waves erode through?

Mechanical action.

What are two types of waves that carry energy?

As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.

Can questions be abrasive in sales?

Absolutely questions can be abrasive. However, it depends on how they are asked. (i.e. tone, quantity of questions, appropriateness of questions, etc). Know your audience and have people skills.

What wave action is responsible for rogue waves?


What are the waves from an earthquake know as?

seismic waves :)

How do you say abrasive in Hebrew Such as he can be very abrasive?

abrasive in that context would be: mahtreed (מטריד)