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A chemical equation.

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Q: The chemical reaction between two or more substances is described using what equation?
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What is the chemical equation for climate change?

Climate change is not a chemical reaction, and it is not described by a chemical equation.

How does a chemical equation express relationships between substances?

The chemical equation is a graphic expression of a chemical reaction.

What is the difference between a chemical reaction and a product in a chemical equation?

The reactants are the substances that undergo the chemical reaction, and are shown on the left side of a chemical equation. The products are produced by the chemical reaction, and are shown on the right side of the chemical equation.

What is a method to indicate reactants and products of a chemical reaction using chemical formulas?

In a correctly written chemical equation, reactants are the substances to the left of the arrow, and products are the substances to the right of the arrow. The reactants are what you have before the reaction starts, and the products are what you have when the reaction is over.

How does a chemical equation show that a chemical reaction has occurred?

A chemical equation shows that chemical reaction has occurred as new substances have been formed from the reagents. A chemical equation has two sides before reaction and after reaction, if there is any change from the before reaction side to the after reaction side, it indicates that a chemical reaction has just occurred.

What does a word equation or a chemical reaction tell you?

I think that a chemical equation tells a chemist that substances you start with and substances you end with

Can you give me a sentnce using chemical equation?

A chemical reaction is the process by which substances bond together. Hope this helped!

Where are the products in an chemical equation?

In a chemical equation you have the reactants on the left hand side of the arrow and the products on the right. The products are what you get after the reaction occurs. A + B -> C + D The products are C and D.

When elements and compounds combine to form new compounds the reaction is described in a?

When elements and compounds combine to form new compounds the reaction is described in a chemical equation.

A chemical reaction can be concisely represented by a chemical what?

A chemical reaction can be represented by a chemical equation.

What are the products in a chemical reaction-?

Answer this question… The starting substances

What can balance chemical equation tell you?

a mole ratio of any two substances in the reaction