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False. Density increases with increasing depth.

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Q: The deep mantle is composed of material with a lighter density than the outer mantle?
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Why does the earth's crust sit on top of the mantel?

The outer core is composed of molten iron and nickel, which is much denser than the material that composes the mantle. So, in a sense, the mantle floats on top of the core just as the crust floats on top of the mantle.

What is a mantle in the earth?

The Earths mantle is the viscous layer between the core and the crust. It is hot because of heat from the core, and part-liquid because it is composed of material with a moderate melting point. This mantle is the source of the volcanic material. Silica is a major component.

Where is the density greater at the mantle?

the density is greater at the middle of the mantle

How can the continents float?

Tectonic plates are either oceanic crust and/or continental crust and the upper solid layer of the mantle. The continental crust is composed of felsic (rich in feldspars and silica) rocks and the oceanic crust of mafic (rich in magnesium and iron) rocks. The mantle however is composed of peridotite (which is ultramafic meaning it has very high concentrations of the denser magnesium and iron minerals). As such it is much denser than either the mafic or felsic rocks of the crust and the density increases with increasing depth. The crust and solid upper mantle are known together as the lithosphere as they have similar mechanical properties (behaving as a brittle solid) and are separated into the tectonic plates which effectively float on the underlying asthenosphere which is a denser plastic like zone below them the mantle. Ultimately the "floating" of tectonic plates on the upper mantle is due to the density contrast between the materials composing the lithosphere and asthenosphere.

What is Composed of peridotite?


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Why does the shadow zone exists?

The mantle and core are composed of the same material.APEX

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why do scientists believe explains the increased density of material deeper into the mantle

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How do changes in heat energy affect the density of earths mantle material

What are molten material in the mantle?

Yes. The mantle is composed of the plastic mantle, or the upper part, which is partially molten. The stiffer mantle is under it. it is not as molten

Does the shadow zone exist?

The mantle and core are composed of different material

What explains the increased density of material deeper into the mantle?

The increased amount of iron deeper into the mantle explains it.

Where is the density of the mantle material greater at point A or point B?

at point A

What are continent-sized columns of superheated mantle material originating at the core-mantle boundary and rising upward due to a change in density?

mantle plumes

What is the range of density within the mantle?

The stiffer mantle (upper) is one of the layers of the earth's crust and composed of hot liquid rock. The range of density is between 3-100 or 3.4g/cm and 4.3g/cm.

Why does the earth's crust sit on top of the mantel?

The outer core is composed of molten iron and nickel, which is much denser than the material that composes the mantle. So, in a sense, the mantle floats on top of the core just as the crust floats on top of the mantle.

What is the range of the density within the stiffer mantle?

The stiffer mantle (upper) is one of the layers of the earth's crust and composed of hot liquid rock. The range of density is between 3-100 or 3.4g/cm and 4.3g/cm.

What is the range density within the stiffer mantle?

The stiffer mantle (upper) is one of the layers of the earth's crust and composed of hot liquid rock. The range of density is between 3-100 or 3.4g/cm and 4.3g/cm.