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Strong nuclear force.

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Q: The force that keeps the electron in the orbit is the?
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What is the force that keeps the electron in its orbit?

Strong nuclear force.

In an atom the electrons travel around the nucleus somewhat like a satellite orbits the earthThe force that keeps the electron in orbit is the?

The force that keeps electrons in orbit around the nucleus is called the repelling force of gravity. If there was no gravity the electrons would never stay in orbit but would be floating around in space.

What is the force that keeps planet in orbit?

the suns gravity keeps the planets in orbit

What force keeps earth in orbit?

The gravitational force.

Why is the electron in hydrogen not collide with the proton and self destruct.?

electrons are in orbits protons are in nucleus an electron keeps revolving in the orbit because of force of attraction but this electron cannot come into the nucleus where proton and neutron reside.

Which force keeps the space station in orbit?

The force of gravity keeps the space station in orbit as well as inertia that keeps the space station moving in a straight line.

What force keeps a planet or moon in its orbit?

GravityCentripetal Force.

What force keeps a satelite in orbit?


What is the force that keeps an object in an orbit?

Gravity is.

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Which force keeps a staellite in orbit?


What force keeps an objcet in orbit?
