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One neutrons

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Q: The most common form of hydrogen has?
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Related questions

Where is hydrogen found and in what form?

The most common form of hydrogen on the earth is water - H2O.

Hydrogen peroxide is the most common oxide of hydrogen?

No, water (H2O) is the most common oxide of hydrogen.

What is the three most common elements?

Carbon bonds with chlorine potassium and other solids and liquids to make salts.

What is the most common element in the earth's ocean?

Hydrogen is the most common element in the ocean.

What are the 2 most common elements and compounds?

the most common element is hydrogen and its molecule of two hydrogen atoms is the most common molecule

Is hydrogen gas just hydrogen combined with oxygen?

No, Hydrogen gas is the diatomic element H, so it appears in nature as H2. The most common form of Hydrogen combined with Oxygen is H2O, or water.

What is the most common element that is in everything?

Probably hydrogen. The most common element is hydrogen. No element is in everything.

Which is the most abundant element in the sun?

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, and in the Sun.

Hydrogen is most common type of what in the sun?

Hydrogen is the sun's most common element. Hydrogen is "H," element number 1, on the periodic table of elements. It is the most abundant element in the universe, because it fuels the stars.

What is the most common form of matter?

Dark energy is believed to make up about 73% of the mass of the Universe; dar matter about 23%; and normal matter - the kind we know most about - about 4%. In the case of normal matter, most of it is still in the form of hydrogen.

What is the most common oxidation number for hydrogen?

+1 is most common

What is the most common element in coffee?

Coffee is mostly water, H2O. Of water, hydrogen is the most common element, so hydrogen in the most common element in coffee.