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The process of sediments moving slowly downhill is called erosion. Erosion is the transportation of rock fragments and soil particles by natural forces such as water, wind, or ice. It can happen gradually over time and shapes the Earth's surface.

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What is glacial polishing and what cause it?

Glacial polishing is the process by which a glacier smooths and polishes a bedrock surface as it moves over it, causing striations and a shiny, polished appearance. This process is primarily caused by the abrasive action of rocks and sediments carried by the glacier as it moves.

How does creep mass movement occur?

Creep mass movement occurs when soil or sediment on a slope slowly moves downhill due to gravity. It is typically driven by the expansion and contraction of soil particles, freezing and thawing, or wetting and drying processes. The movement is gradual and continuous, often resulting in subtle changes to the landscape over time.

Does lithospheric move slowly or fast?

The lithosphere moves slowly, at a rate of a few centimeters per year. This movement is driven by the slow flow of the underlying mantle in a process called plate tectonics. The movement of lithospheric plates is responsible for natural phenomena like earthquakes and the formation of mountains.

How does gravity affect the movement of water and ice?

Gravity affects the movement of water by pulling it downward, allowing it to flow downhill and form bodies of water like rivers and lakes. In the case of ice, gravity causes it to flow very slowly over long periods of time, known as ice flow, especially in glaciers where the ice slowly moves downhill under its own weight.

How do glacial valleys form?

Glacial valleys form through the process of glacial erosion, where the movement of a glacier carves and shapes the valley over time. As the glacier moves downhill, it picks up rocks and sediments, which act as abrasives that wear away the underlying rock. The downward pressure and friction of the glacier further deepen and widen the valley, creating a distinct U-shaped profile.

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What form of mass movement occurs when a pasty mix of water and sediments moves downhill?

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What is it called when a huge mass of frozen water moves slowly?

That is called a glacier. Glaciers are large masses of ice and snow that move slowly downhill due to the force of gravity.

Is slump a glacier?

No. A glaciers is a slowly flowing mass of ice. A slump is a form of mass wasting in which a mass of rock or sediment breaks loose from a slope and moves relatively slowly downhill as a coherent mass.

The process in which a glacier loosens and picks up rock as it moves is called?

Plucking is the process in which a glacier freezes around cracked and broken rock and when it moves downhill, the rock is plucked from the back wall of the glacier.

Where does a River erode sediment?

sediments are transported by ocean rift, streams, river currents, wind (air). they are deposited according to size. The largest sediments are deposited first. The sediments settle into the sand and are carried by the stream. Near the mouth of the stream where the water moves slowly the small sediments settle out. The larger sediments get carried by the river into the sea then the samller sediments. The sea water dissolved minerals and soak the sediments and cement together. This eventually forms sediments.

Which creatures moves slowly?

A slug moves slowly and so does a snail

What is glacial polishing and what cause it?

Glacial polishing is the process by which a glacier smooths and polishes a bedrock surface as it moves over it, causing striations and a shiny, polished appearance. This process is primarily caused by the abrasive action of rocks and sediments carried by the glacier as it moves.

How does creep mass movement occur?

Creep mass movement occurs when soil or sediment on a slope slowly moves downhill due to gravity. It is typically driven by the expansion and contraction of soil particles, freezing and thawing, or wetting and drying processes. The movement is gradual and continuous, often resulting in subtle changes to the landscape over time.