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Q: The union pacific railroad depended on immigrants from which country for labor?
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Irish immigrants helped build what Railroad?

Irish immigrants worked on the union pacific railroad to help build west from Omaha Nebraska. The Union Pacific was in fierce competition with the central pacific railroad so the irish sometimes would sabotage the work of the central pacific.

Which railroad did Chinese immigrants help build?

Central Pacific

What railroad did chinese immigrants help build?

The Central Pacific Railroad Company, California Central Railroad, and the San Jose Railway.

Chinese immigrants helped build the what railroad?

The Central Pacific, California Central Railroad, and the San Jose Railway.

The union Pacific Railroad relied in what immigrant worker?

it relied on Irish immigrants

Who built the transcontinental railroad-?

The Union Pacific Railroad and The Central Pacific Railroad Companies were formed to build the railroad. Many of the CPR workers working east from California were Chinese-Americans and many of the UPR workers building west from Nebraska were Irish immigrants.

Which immigrants helped build the transcontial railroad?

Mostly Irish on the UP, mainly Chinese on the Central Pacific.

Chinese immigrants helped build the Railroad?

The Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) was the name of the railroad network built between California and Utah (where it met/joined the Union Pacific Railroad). Chinese labor was an essential resource for constructing the railroad. Fifty Chinese laborers were hired by the Central Pacific Railroad in February 1865 and more and more were added to the crews as construction continued because they were cheap - and easily exploited - labor.

What project did Chinese immigrants work on?

Chinese immigrants in the United States worked on various projects, including the construction of railroads such as the Central Pacific Railroad and the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century. They also contributed to other infrastructure projects, such as the building of bridges, mines, and canals. Additionally, Chinese immigrants played a significant role in agriculture, particularly in farming and establishing Chinese vegetable gardens.

What was the route of the union pacific railroad?

the west coast and the golf coast of the country

What immigrant group was the primary one to build the Central Pacific Railroad?

Chinese immigrants were the most prominent laborers.

What railroad comany built the transcontinental railroad?

central pacific and union pacific railroad companies