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Q: Together oxygen and nitrogen compose what percentage of the Earth's atmosphere?
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Related questions

What are the things that compose the atmosphere?

Things that composes the atmosphere are the nitrogen is about 78%and the helium which is 56% and the carbon dioxide we breath that is 28%

Which Four gases compose most of the atmosphere?

The four main components that make up air are Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon and Carbon dioxide. Nitrogen and Oxygen together make up around 98-99%. Water vapour would also be present in the atmosphere

Does Mars have any atmosphere around it?

Yes it does. Predominately compose of Carbon Dioxide rather than the Nitrogen, Oxygen mix that earth has. It is also a thinner atmosphere.

What compose Earth's atmosphere?

it's 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The other 1% is hydrogen and other trace gases.

What is compose of a gaseous layer?

the atmosphere

What is earths atmosphere compose of?

Our thin atmosphere is composed of 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95%, about 1% water vapor (depending on the climate), 0.93% argon, and 0.039% carbon dioxide.

What is the earth's first atmosphere primarily compose of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

What 3 gases make air?

Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon comprise 99% of the air.

What type of gases compose a fart?

Nitrogen, Hydrogen Methane and Oxygen. The methane and hydrogen causes the odor. The Nitrogen causes the sound.

How does saturns size and atmosphere compare to earth?

it is bigger, much bigger. The atmosphere is different because of the gases that compose it.

What does -compose mean?

1) The phrase adjective "composed" refers to an item's composition, what it is made of.2) The adjective compose applied to a person means in command of their faculties, not emotionally upset, normally used in the phrase "calm and composed"3) The past tense verb "composed" means created or assembled, as in music.Examples :"The atmosphere is composed of various gases, chiefly nitrogen and oxygen.""The student composed an essay on the atmosphere.""Strauss composed "The Blue Danube" waltz in 1866."

What 3 elements compose all living matter?

There are 4 elements that compose all living things. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. Out of them, the first 3 are the main ones.