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Q: True or false Convection currents form because of differences of temp and density in a fluid?
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What do convection currents form?

because of differences in pressure and density in a fluid

What forms because of differences in temperature and density of a fluid?

convection currents

How does differences in density cause convection currents in ocean water?

Convection occurs whenever a less dense liquid is beneath a denser liquid.

Which describes the convection currents that drive the motion of lithospheric plates?

A continuous flow in the mantle caused by differences in density

The circular motion of liquids or gases due to density differences while undergoing convection is known as a convection current The transfer of what form of energy leads to convection currents?

heat energy

How do difference in air density cause convection currents?

It just happens because of the differenciation in the air density which allows the so called convection currents to occur/form. Complex I know but is the closest conclusion.

How is density involed in the process of convection?

the differences in density cause the fluids to move in currents, which mixes them all together so that they may lose heat to the other fluids, thus transferring energy through convection

How does the temperature and density drive the convection currents in the mantle?

Temperature differences in the mantle drive convection currents because warm material is less dense and rises, while cooler material is more dense and sinks. This movement creates a circular flow as the cooler material sinks and gets heated, while the warmer material rises and cools down. The density variations caused by the temperature differences are a key driver of convection in the mantle.

Differences in a material's is what drives convection?

Differences in a materials __________ is what drives convection

How is destiny involved in the process of convection?

It's the change (decrease) in density with heating that produces the currents that we refer to as convection currents.

Is the heat source for the convection currents in the mantle for the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

Is heat source for the convection currents in the mantle the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.