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Q: True or false removal of forests reduces the earth ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
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How might burning forests or clear-cutting down trees for lumber affect the world's atmosphere?

deforestation, the removal of trees in large quantities at a time, affects the world atmosphere in the following way: Trees are an organism that remove Carbon Dioxide from the air and therefore reduces the amount that gets into the atmosphere, acting as global warming. When deforestation occurs large amounts of Carbon Dioxide are then released into the air trough burning.# Also, the amount of CO2 that gets into the atmosphere will increase as there are less trees to remove it.

Does deforestation help to reduce global warming?

Deforestation reduces the ability of vegetation to sequester (remove from the atmosphere) CO2. Also the initial clearing of vegetation can release large amounts of CO2. Predominantly though, the burning of fossil fuels is responsible for global warming.

What would Earth's atmosphere be like today if life had not evolved on Earth?

It might be similar to the atmosphere on Venus, where the oxygen has combined with surface rocks and as carbon dioxide. On Earth, plants remove carbon dioxide and increase the level of free oxygen that supports animal life. This atmosphere also reduces ultraviolet radiation, which also affects the level of gases.

What happens when you go up into the atmosphere?

The atmospheric pressure reduces

How does planting trees minimize global warming?

Trees use the carbon dioxide in the air to grow. And that reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, which reduces the green house effect. They need Carbon Dioxide in order to photosynthesize. Since CO2 is the leading contributor to global warming, having the trees take it out of the atmosphere to be converted into oxygen, slows the process somewhat.

Related questions

How do forests affect the temperature?

Forests (and all vegetation) remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This reduces the effects of the enhanced greenhouse effect, slowing the rising temperatures of global warming.

Why are forests good for the environment?

Forests remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This reduces the threat of a accelerated greenhouse effect. In the forest the trees also gives us oxygen and they are good for your health.

Why are forest good for environment?

Forests remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This reduces the threat of a accelerated greenhouse effect. In the forest the trees also gives us oxygen and they are good for your health.

Why are forest good environment?

Forests remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This reduces the threat of a accelerated greenhouse effect. In the forest the trees also gives us oxygen and they are good for your health.

Can plants absorb the excess carbon in the atmosphere?

A:In a natural balance, plants absorb as much carbon dioxide (CO2) as animals exhale, keeping the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide at the long-term average of around 260 to 280 parts per million (ppm). Human activities have increased this level to 380 ppm since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and rising fat. This itself is evidence that plants simply can not absorb the additional carbon dioxide load in the atmosphere. Moreover, our continuing destruction of forests actually reduces the ability of plants to absorb carbon dioxide, and is one important reason for the rising CO2 levels.

Does reducing the use of vehicles help save the world?

In a way it does. It reduces carbon dioxide, which reduces poisonous fumes and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which reduces global warming, which reduces deaths among various populations. It goes a long way.

How might burning forests or clear-cutting down trees for lumber affect the world's atmosphere?

deforestation, the removal of trees in large quantities at a time, affects the world atmosphere in the following way: Trees are an organism that remove Carbon Dioxide from the air and therefore reduces the amount that gets into the atmosphere, acting as global warming. When deforestation occurs large amounts of Carbon Dioxide are then released into the air trough burning.# Also, the amount of CO2 that gets into the atmosphere will increase as there are less trees to remove it.

How does the deforestation affect the oxygen cycle?

Deforestation reduces the gross amount of oxygen produced by an ecosystem it reduces the amount of oxygen produced .

Why is reforestation effort to save the environment?

Reforestation benefits the environment by reversing the effects of deforestation. Deforestation is the destruction of forests. In brief, deforestation: * reduces the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphereby photosynthesis * increases the amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment from burning and decay * reduces the amount of moisture released into the atmosphere by transpiration * increases the loss of soil by erosion * increases the silting up of rivers etc from soil erosion * extinction of species which inhabit forests (reduced biodiversity) * contributes to desertification For a very clear summary of deforestation and its effects see:

What are the two ways that deforestation adds to the greenhouse effect?

Forests store carbon, sequestering it from the atmosphere. Deforestation means the timber may be used and eventually converted to carbon dioxide, or left to rot, which also means that it is converted to carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Either way, deforestation contributes to increasing carbon dioxide levels and consequently the global warming process. More detail: Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to improve the value of tracts of land by making space for farms usually. Trees are a large source of oxygen and also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. by cutting down trees, you limit the amount of carbon dioxide being removed from the air and, usually, the trees are burnt after being cut down in a 'chop and burn' method, this releases the carbon in the tree which reacts with oxygen because of the heat and moving into the atmosphere. As of such, not only does deforestation remove sources of oxygen and carbon dioxide sinks (a 'reservoir' of CO2) it also adds excess oxygen into the atmosphere. Forests are a strong "carbon sink." Through a process called photosynthesis, forests consume carbon dioxide and, using energy from sunlight, 'eat' the carbon atom in the carbon dioxide molecule, using it to create sugars and other nutrients and releasing the leftover oxygen. While all plants do this, tall, dense forests are the most efficient in terms of how much carbon a square acre of forest can remove from the atmosphere. Deforestation -- the widespread destruction of forest -- reduces the planet's ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere. This exacerbates the problem of carbon dioxide emissions because it lowers how much carbon can be removed from the atmosphere.

Does deforestation help to reduce global warming?

Deforestation reduces the ability of vegetation to sequester (remove from the atmosphere) CO2. Also the initial clearing of vegetation can release large amounts of CO2. Predominantly though, the burning of fossil fuels is responsible for global warming.

What would Earth's atmosphere be like today if life had not evolved on Earth?

It might be similar to the atmosphere on Venus, where the oxygen has combined with surface rocks and as carbon dioxide. On Earth, plants remove carbon dioxide and increase the level of free oxygen that supports animal life. This atmosphere also reduces ultraviolet radiation, which also affects the level of gases.