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Pollutants are energy or substances that have adverse or undesired effects when introduced into the environment. In nature, pollutants include stock pollutants and notable pollutants.

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3mo ago

The main types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. Air pollution is caused by emissions from vehicles and industrial activities, while water pollution results from untreated sewage and chemical run-off. Soil pollution occurs from the use of pesticides and industrial waste, and noise pollution is caused by excessive noise from sources such as construction and traffic.

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9y ago

Major forms of environmental pollution include; land, water and air pollution.

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Q: Types of environment pollution
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How many types ofpollution are there?

There are 4 types of pollution in the environment. These include Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution.

What 5 types of pollution?

The five types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Each type can have harmful effects on the environment, wildlife, and human health.

What are the effects of the different types of environment degradation?

the effects are land pollution ,water pollution, and air pollution.

Is pollution a contributing factor to the degredation of the natural environment?

Yes, pollution is a contributing factor. There are many types of pollution, all of which cause degradation of the natural environment.

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Pollution and Organized crime

All about pollution?

Pollution refers to the addition of the contaminants to the ecosystem that causes adverse change and destruction to the environment. There are various types of pollution namely the air pollution, water pollution and the land pollution.

How many types of pollution are there?

Some forms of pollution areAir pollutionwater pollutionsoil pollutionnoise pollutionlight pollution

What impact does coal power to to the environment?

that it make a lot of pollution and kills some types of plants

What types of pollution are found in Chicago?

Common types of pollution found in Chicago include air pollution from vehicle emissions and industrial activities, water pollution from stormwater runoff and sewage overflows, and soil contamination from historical industrial activities. These pollutants can have negative impacts on human health and the environment in the city.

What types of pollution are there?

Secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are pollutants caused by man. Which consider smog, chemical pollution,ect.. Primary pollutants. primary pollutants are pollutants that are caused by nature. Volcano's eruptions etc. pollution can be caused in the air water sound and any where in the environment

Why does air pollution present a problem to your environment?

Air pollution affects many things including damaging your health, causing changes in the climate, and creating other types of pollution like acid rain.

What are the effects of clean environment?

the effects of a clean environment are water pollution land pollution air pollution