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Q: Walk you cannot but run you can the earth gives you shape though formless you are?
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Why is the sun the object that gives earth gravity?

it doesn't the Earth's mass is what gives Earth gravity not the Sun

Earth revoles on its axis true or false?

Yes, it does though it wobbles a bit. This gives us seasons and the magnetic field that a compass detects.

How does the sun gives light to the earth?

by stalking the earth

How does the sun affects earth and the people on earth?

It gives us light makes us sweat and gives heat

How can mother earth be like a mother?

mother earth gives us air, night time and day time just like our mothers she gives us life like mother earth our moms gives us food, water ,and a house and we get that from mother earth.

How does the sun affect life on earth?

Without the sun there would be no life on earth because the sun gives heat and life energy that if it is missing, Earth would be totally freezing and without life. The 5 branches of living things cannot survive without the sun.

What gives you shock but cannot be seen?


How does the sun gives heat to earth?

it shines light to earth and earth is in the inner solar system.

How earth receives and gives off?

Receives and gives off what? Please elaborate

The motion of the earth that gives us night and day is called?

The revolution of Earth gives us day and night. This is when the Earth rotates on its axis, changing the time of day, as well as the seasons.

Is Earth rotating?

Yes. Earth's rotation is what gives us day and night.

You are tilted on your axis which gives you season?
