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PH 7 (im not completely sure though) :-)

Yes i think it is too, thanks

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Q: What PH is a solution of sodium chloride in pure water?
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PH level of sodium chloride?

the pH level of sodium chloride (NaCl) is 7.

What ingredients does salt water have?

Pure saline water is only a solution of sodium chloride in water.

Why the pH value of salt water is 8?

The solution of pure sodium chloride is neutral.

How will the vapor pressure of pure water compare to an aqueous solution of sodium chloride?

The solution's vapor pressure will be lower.

How can you get pure dry crystals of sodium chloride from a solution of sodium chloride in watere?

Evaporating to dryness

What is salts reaction to pure water?

Sodium chloride doesn't react with water; sodium chloride is dissolved and dissociated in water.

What happens to blue litmus in a NaCl solution?

Water is made of tiny molecules of hydrogen and oxygen. Water is essential for all living creature. Pure water has no colour, tase and any smell. Water exists in three forms on earth liquid, solid and gas. Human Body is made of about 60% of water and about 71% of the earth surface is covered with water.

How do you obtain pure crystals of sodium chloride when hdyrochloric acid is added to sodium hydroxide?

Sodium chloride is soluble in water, but zinc carbonate is not. Here is a procedure based on that simple difference in solubility. 1. Place the mixture in water and stir. The sodium chloride will dissolve. 2. Pour it through a filter. The insoluble zinc carbonate will remain on the filter, but the sodium chloride solution will pass through the filter. 3. Allow the water to evaporate from the sodium chloride solution. You are left with pure solid sodium chloride.

Why Electricity doesn't travel through solid sodium chloride but travel through solution?

Solid sodium chloride is not a conductor, However, neither is pure water. When you dissolve anything in water, it creates a path for electricity to flow through it.

What method can be used to extract large pure sodium chloride crystals from sea water?

Evaporating the water sodium chloride is obtained.

How can sodium be obtained from sodium cholride?

Sodium can be obtained from sodium chloride by making a solution of it and then elctrolysing it. The pure sodium metal can be obtained on electrolysis.

How do you remove magnesium carbonate from table salt to make the salt totally pure?

Magnesium carbonate is practically insoluble in water; dissolve the salt, filter the solution. Magnesium carbonate remain on the filter, the sodium chloride is now in solution. You can use this solution as table salt solution or by evaporation of the water you can obtain pure crystallized NaCl. But I think that it is more simple to buy pure sodium chloride; also, magnesium carbonate is not dangerous and is a common food additive.