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Crystal Habit

Specific Gravity



Double Refraction



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Q: What are 6 ways to identify a mineral?
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What two ways can the appearance of a mineral help to identify it?

the color and streak or luster

What the worst way to identify a mineral?

The worst way to identify a mineral is by tasting it. When you are classifying a mineral by tasting it doesn't do much. So taste is the worst way to identify a mineral.

Least accurate way to identify a mineral?

the least accurate way to identify a mineral

What are the eight ways to identify corundum?

THE EIGHT WAYS TO I.D. A MINERALThe eight ways to identify a mineral such as corundum are 1 hardness 2 crystal shape 3 special features 4 density 5 streak 6 luster 7 cleavage or fracture 8 color. (to find out hardness look up "Mohs scale of hardness" everything else you could search it on google or bing)

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Is the most reliable way to identify a mineral by using a combination of test?

what is the most reliable way to identify a mineral?

What is the least accurate way to identify a mineral?

The observable color is the least dependable method of mineral identification.

Can the physical properties of a mineral make it possible to identify the mineral?


What is the best was to identify a mineral?

you streak it on the ground

What traits can be used to identify a mineral?


What is the eight ways to identify a mineral?

By the mineral color, streak color, luster, hardness, the property of the mineral, if it's fracture or cleavage and it's specific gravity. Those are just basic, so there's many other ways to ID a mineral.