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  • Drive less. Combine errands or use public transportation.
  • Don't use lawnmowers or other small engines that emit air pollutants.
  • Observe bans on outdoor burning because of high fire danger and health protection.
  • Don't idle your engine. Turn it off while your vehicle is parked or waiting in line.
  • Wait for cooler morning or evening hours to refuel your vehicle.
  • Don't paint or use aerosol sprays until temperatures cool off.
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1mo ago

To prevent health issues from air pollution, precautions include staying indoors during high pollution days, using air purifiers in enclosed spaces, wearing masks when outdoor pollution levels are high, and reducing personal contributions to pollution by using public transportation or carpooling. Regularly checking air quality levels in your area can help you plan activities accordingly.

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The air you breathe can be unsafe due to pollution, which can come from sources like vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and burning of fossil fuels. Pollution can lead to health issues like respiratory problems, heart issues, and cancer. It's important to be aware of air quality levels and take precautions to minimize exposure in areas with poor air quality.

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What is air pollution called in Hindi?

Air pollution can be said as VAAYU PRADUSHAN. Here vaayu is air and pradushan is pollution.