

What are organic remains?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Organic Remains are remains from a living thing such as dead leaves or a dead tree. The Organic Remains are no longer in use but they have to be from something in nature.

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Q: What are organic remains?
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Is organic remains all organic things?

Organic remains comes from animals, foods, etc. Those are examples of Organic remains. So the answer is yes they come from organic things.

Can you define organic remains?

Remains are what is left over. Organic refers to a substance which comes from a living being. Organic remains are substances from a living being which are left over. For example, if someone's house blows up, and afterwards you find traces of their pet goldfish, those are organic remains.

Do animals contribute most of the organic remains that form humus?

No, they do not. Plants contribute most of the organic remains that form humus.

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-Organic remains and Inorganic remains

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Organic material contains organic compounds from the remains of dead organisms and their waste products.

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breakdown of organic remains

What is the significance of the remains of the carboninferous period?

The organic remains are called coal. We can burn coal to produce heat.

What are the sediments in organic sedimentary rocks?

Skeletal and plant remains.

What is Taphonomy?

Taphonomy is the study of what happens to organisms after they die, including how they decay, fossilize, or become preserved as fossils. It helps paleontologists understand the processes that have affected fossil remains from the time of an organism's death to the time of its discovery.

Which phrase best describes coal?

organic plant remains

What is a rock formed from the remains of living things?

An organic sedimentary rock.